Gliding in Germany

Trying to plan a gliding trip to Germany for this summer, I used the resources from to find suitable gliding clubs and gliding air fields in Germany, eventually near the cities where I had an interest in.

Because the map of German gliding clubs and airfields, from is pretty hard to use (the map is just a picture with some points on it, you cannot see nearby cities, plan routes) I’ve decided to map all German gliding clubs and airfields from to a Google map, that is easier to use and plan trips based on it.

I’ve published new Page, “Gliding in Germany”, where German gliding clubs and gliding airfields are mapped.

Feel free to use it and plan your own gliding trips in Germany.

Glider pilot skill test

29.10, a murky day with very marginal VFR weather (more like Special VFR) and no clear horizon, passed the skill test, for the glider pilot license. And it was a pleasure flying 6 takeoffs and landings
(including winch cable broke simulation at 100 meters) with the Flight Examiner lady.